Friday, October 31, 2008

NEW School Lunch Legislation

This is great proposed legislation. If you are so inclined, please
send a letter/email to your Senator and Representative. The link
below makes it really easy.


In late September, Senator Bob Casey (D-Penn.) introduced the
National Hunger Relief Act of 2008, legislation that would help
federal nutrition programs continue to serve low-income Americans. If
passed, the bill would provide for a semi-annual reimbursement rate
adjustment for the child nutrition programs. How does this work? The
reimbursement rate is the amount of money the federal government
gives school districts for each meal that they serve. Currently, the
federal reimbursement rate for free school meals is $2.57. The
federal reimbursement rate is readjusted every July, using the most
recent Consumer Price Index (CPI) for food. Under Senator Casey's
bill, the reimbursement rate would be adjusted twice a year, in
January and July.

It is very easy for you to ask your Senator to support this
legislation. Just follow these steps:

Click below or copy this link into your browser to be directed to the
Legislative Action Center.

http://capwiz. com/asfsa/ issues/alert/ alertid=11343966 &PROCESS= Take+Act

In the "Compose Message" section, add your own letter to the blank
white box, or use the red arrows to enter the pre-written talking
Make sure to include your name in the "Your Name" box below section
where you enter your letter!
Under sender information, include your home address and zip code.
This will automatically determine who your member of Congress and
your Senators are and will send the letter to them.
Once you finish entering that information click on the "Send Message"
You will then be directed to a new screen. The new screen will ask
to you to confirm your address information and approve your letter.
Congratulations! You've successfully sent an Action Alert!
Thank you for taking action on behalf of our children.

School Nutrition Association
700 S. Washington St., Suite 300
Alexandria, VA 22314
"Making the right food choices, together."

Thursday, October 23, 2008

What is the difference between food that is grown by Monsanto and food that is grown in your backyard?

Monday, September 29, 2008

A List of Observations by students about the school food....

1.)Drinks are always frozen.
2.)Food smells weird.
3.)Food is always burnt.
4.)Food is always the same.
5.)The noodles are always frozen.
6.)Sometimes, food is expired.
7.)The cheeseburgers are always burnt.
8.)Sometimes, the milk is expired.
9.)The salad is sometimes wrinkled.
10.)The crustables are mostly peanut butter.
11.)The cheese sandwhiches are hard.
12.)The chips are stale.
Questions the studetns came up with....

Why do they serve spoiled milk?
Why do they serve us cold food?
Do you eat soggy salad or cheeseburgers?
Where do you get the food?
How are you going to improve to serve us better?

Tuesday, September 16, 2008

September 16

Orange Juice

Friday, September 5, 2008


Peaches, Crustables, Nachos, Meatloaf, Salads

Tuesday, September 2, 2008

Today they served the same thing as Friday-Three days ago

September 2nd
Todays Meal:
Crustables, Grilled Cheese, Ham Sandwiches, Oranges, Packaged Cucumber.

Friday, August 29, 2008

AUG. 29th Crustables, Pears, Grilled Cheese, Hot Cheetos, Salad

How was your Friday in the cafeteria?

Tuesday, August 26, 2008


Todays Lunch:
Pizza, PB& J's(Crustables), Milk, Peaches